I feel inspired today...

...bringing you all the thoughts, memories & random talk.

02 February 2010

Nothing more than just a memory.

You know what? I feel motivated to write in the blog today.
There's just something about the past that will always stay with you, and that from time-to-time I still think back to.

It's been a whole year ago, a whole summer ago...
I gave it ALL, and in return, I was left with nothing - nothing but a broken heart torn in two, a friendship lost and forever just a memory.
I guess we can call it "summer lovelust" or "an immense infatuation".

Define lust; A great desire for.
Define infatuation;
A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction.

"I can't recognize,you're a stranger to me.
I feel so betrayed, what a waste of my heart and me."

No, I won't regret meeting you.
No, I won't regret befriending you.
No, I won't regret those moments where I felt like life was perfect. (I'm just delusional)
Though I do regret for holding on so tight to something that no longer existed, and what felt like being crushed into a thousand pieces in the end.
I'm am now simply just another girl that was present in your summer for those few moments, which will seem like a split second of your life in the long run.

I didn't want it to end - any of it, but I knew it was for the better. In the end, my choice of finally letting go and getting over whatever we had was the best decision ever.
Of course I won't forget as it lingers in the back of my mind and pondering of "what ifs".

Through the heartache he put me through, I have learned that I shouldn't let myself fall too hard, especially so quickly. Holding on hurt like crazy. I was young and naive.
Your stupid words, but my stupid desire for you! This lead to one of the worse periods of my life, and for myself to give up on love. Though I smiled continuously with my friends and loved ones around me, often forgetting, making each step to get over him an easier task.

I never thought that I would just leave a friendship to die the way it did. I always thought friendships would last a long time, but I was obviously proved wrong.
When your name popped online msn, I used to smile and desired to talk to you. When you didn't seem to care anymore, inside I felt crushed. Now that your name no longer comes up, I'm satisfied and moved on.

"We don't even talk no more.
We don't even hold hands like we did before.
We don't even know the reason why it came to be."

I (kind of) hope that one day, that he will realise that the friendship would have been worth saving at least. For him not to be so cold towards me and not put any effort. Jerk.

From this experience, it sure changed me. I've built a wall around me that can not easily be taken down. I've become more skeptical of my surroundings and what happens in my life - it's just how I am now.
You can take it, or leave it.

"I think about the little things that make life great.
I wouldn't change a thing about it.
This is the best feeling."

♥ Little J

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Meow meow~ Hellos~! :D