I feel inspired today...

...bringing you all the thoughts, memories & random talk.

07 February 2010

Lost it all..

 Today was a sad sad day!
The day my phone died -cry-
 doesn't look that bad eh? but i lost the battery and uh... the screen is screwed D:
let's have a minute silence to remember this phone :P

How did it happen?
Well, i went on that ride 'hangover' D: !
My phone fell out of my pocket when we were up in the air.
Oh my god.. and i even screamed out "my phonneeeeeeee!" (LOLLOL. -holds onto shoe-)
massive sadface times ten billion.
A phone falling from the sky does not survive!
Okay.. I was screaming cause my phone fell out. But also cause i was so scared T-T
I'm never ever going on that ride again. Should've seen me after it..
i felt so sick and was even shaking from fear. haha ><
I have the pieces of the phone except for my battery, which they couldn't find..
BUT ON THE BRIGHTER SIDE!! I have my sim card and memory card! :D

 hmm.. i remember.. it has a picture of you on it.
i think that's on the memory card :D
haha, i'm such a pedo eh?

"did it have anything important on it?" my heart stopped.
the tears started and it wasn't something i could stop..
It had all those texts from you that made me smile
and it was something i wanted to show and remind you of in the future..
but, that was all gone know wasn't it?
Sigh..but i tried to look on the brighter side.
All those memories, i wont ever forget.
i know those texts were saved on my phone as a reminder,
but how could i ever forget the things you said..?

"so smile baby cause we're in love!"
"i love you and i don't take that lightly"
"seeing you is just a bonus. as long as i know you love me, it's okay"
"i love you so much. more than life"
"i can't imagine life without you"
"i love you the mostestestestestestestest"
"you make me so happy"
"you're perfect to me"
"you won't lose me baby"
"i must have promised it to myself. well, i promise that i'll never break your heart or break up with you"
the list goes on..

Well, while these may not have been exactly what you said,
i'll still remember the way it made me feel.
happy. the way a happymeal makes me feel :P

♥Little S


Jamie Habjan said...


oh... and poor you. :P

Little S said...

HAHAHA yeah.. sigh. haha D: