I feel inspired today...

...bringing you all the thoughts, memories & random talk.

12 February 2010

Love is in the air.

Almost that time of year again;
Sunday, 14th of February - It's Valentine's Day.
A love story, more or less.

How love just fills the air.

"Soft kiss and wine
What a pretty friend of mine
We're finally in
Nervous and shy for the moment we will come alive
Secret valentine"

Love comes in different ways~
Family-love. Friendship-love. Partner-love.
Either way, it's love.

On this very day, we do not have to limit our love to just the traditional 'if I have a boyfriend/girlfriend, I will celebrate'. We can share our love on this day with our beloved family and/or friends.
Chocolates, roses and the question "Will you be my Valentine?"

So if you are like me, single but still happy, let's spend Valentine's Day with someone we love and care about, whether that is a family member or a friend.
OR, actually, spend it receiving money if you celebrate Chinese New Year :) hehe, wooo!

♥ Little J


. said...

"I hate Valentine's Day. I think every day should be a day of romance. Then, on Valentine's Day you should get to tell whoever you hate that you cannot stand them. There would be one day of hating and 364 days of love." said by Ashton Kutcher! (:
haha just thought i'd show you, coz it sounded cool. (:

Little S said...

nawhh thats cute vicki :D

Little J said...

Aww :) cool!

jBh said...

I've never had a true valentines day,
It's always been just an average day.

jBh said...

+ What if it was a leap year?
Then i would be 365 days of love and 1 day of hate.
But I don't understand, why hate?